How long do you wish to pause your membership?
Enter your Hold start and End dates below
Note: we require at least 7 days notice to process
Minimum of 2 Weeks, Maximum of 4 Weeks
What's the main reason for this putting your membership on hold?
I understand that I can only pause my membership once per calendar year.
I understand I need to give at least 7 days notice for my requested membership suspension.
I understand that my membership payment will be processed as normal if this request is submitted less than 7 days before my next scheduled payment.
I understand that my membership and non-refundable payments will resume automatically upon expiration of the hold period that I selected above.
I understand that my request to pause my membership needs to be approved and confirmed by CrossFit Hurstville.
I give permission to CrossFit Hurstville to process the $20 Membership Pause Fee through my nominated account.